Ash Lumber is Stocked in Various Widths and Lengths
We stock Ash in both flatsawn and quartersawn cut.
Flatsawn - typical flat grain with cathedral like arches mixed with a little straight grain.
Quartersawn - grain is mostly straight with little to no cathedrals.
Flatsawn - typical flat grain with cathedral like arches mixed with a little straight grain.
- 4/4 Hit and Missed planed to 15/16" thick
- 4/4 Surfaced and Straight lined to 13/16" thick
- 5/4 Surfaced and Straight lined to 1-1/16" thick
- 8/4 Surfaced and Straight lined to 1-3/4" thick
- 12/4 Full Rough at 3" thick
- 16/4 Full Rough at 4" thick
Quartersawn - grain is mostly straight with little to no cathedrals.
- 4/4 Hit and Missed planed to 15/16" thick
Batter up! Ash has excellent shock resistance, it's one of the most commonly used hardwoods where toughness and impact resistance is important. Typically used in furniture, baseball bats, millwork and flooring. Produces good results with hand or machine tools. Responds well to steam bending, gluing, stains, and finishes well.
Janka Hardness: 1320
Janka Hardness: 1320